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Wildlife Wellness Walks

Every month a walk in the beautiful nature around the Sloterplas. Get moving, get out and about and discover how you can take good care of yourself. Afterwards we enjoy a delicious hot cup of soup together.


  • The walks go around the Sloterplas or through the Sloterbos. Each walk is on Sunday morning from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM and is approximately 5 kilometers long.

  • During the walks, attention is paid to mental health, a clean environment and the walkers get to know each other a bit.

  • Ideal if you like to get moving, want to pay some attention to yourself and get to know new people.

  • Movement, being outside in nature, connecting with other people and doing something new makes you happier.

  • Everyone is welcome. Both English and Dutch are spoken. The guidelines of the RIVM are followed closely.

  • This initiative collaborates as much as possible with other neighborhood initiatives and aims to promote social cohesion and make neighborhoods stronger.

Iedere maand een wandeling in de prachtige natuur rondom de Sloterplas. Kom in beweging, trek erop uit en ontdek hoe je goed voor jezelf kunt zorgen. Na afloop smullen we met elkaar van een heerlijke warme kop soep.


  • De wandelingen gaan rondom de Sloterplas of door het Sloterbos. Iedere wandeling is op zondagochtend vanaf 10:00 tot 12:30 uur en is ongeveer 5 kilometer lang.

  • Tijdens de wandelingen is er aandacht voor de mentale gezondheid, een schone omgeving en leren de wandelaars elkaar een beetje kennen.

  • Ideaal voor als je graag in beweging komt, wat aandacht aan jezelf wilt besteden en nieuwe mensen wilt leren kennen.

  • Beweging, buiten zijn in de natuur, contact maken met andere mensen en het doen van iets nieuws, maakt gelukkiger.

  • Iedereen is welkom. Er wordt zowel Engels als Nederlands gesproken. De richtlijnen van het RIVM wordt nauwkeurig gevolgd.

  • Dit initiatief werkt zoveel mogelijk met andere buurtinitiatieven samen en heeft als doel om de sociale chesie te bevorderen en buurten sterker te maken.


Physical and mental health come together for the perfect balance between body, mind and soul.


We look after each other and the environment by being in nature and cleaning up the area.


Eating nutritious food is a wonderful way to connect to nature, ourselves and each other. 


Meet your neighbors and our unique community who are here to support your well-being journey.

Wildlife Wellness Walks are nature walks and focus on (mental) health, contact with the neighborhood and a clean living environment.We believe that the key to feeling a true sense of well-being and happiness is through an experience of connection. Connection to nature, to community and to ourselves.

Sophie Fagan (founder Embodied Empowerment)



Embodied Empowerment is a community of well-being professionals and practitioners of body-oriented therapy.


We provide wellness events, experiences, retreats, classes and events at a wonderful location at the Sloterplas.


Our mission is to help people discover, through mind-body experiences, how to take care of their own well-being and to make theses experiences accessible for people of all walks of life.

By getting people from different backgrounds moving together, we strengthen social cohesion and make neighborhoods stronger and more livable.




Our location

EE location available for events

Our unique location is set within Sloterplas Park, situated alongside the water on a peaceful island off the main park area.


Part of our approach is to offer our unique location to well-being practitioners and teachers so together we can strengthen ourselves and the community around us. Meet the professionals on our member page or join the community yourself.


If you are interested in hosting your event our class with us, you can book the location.


Send us a request!


Embodied Empowerment
Christoffel Plantijngracht 6 

1065 DA Amsterdam

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