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Creating harmony in transition - Guest Blog by Rita FireWoman

Fire creates harmony. You may have experienced fire’s harmonizing effect around a campfire. Gathering in a circle around the fire allows stories to be told and maybe a sharing of sing-along songs. This connection can be superfluous and accompanied by food, laughter and drinks bringing us a temporary good time. If, however, the intention is set to be with fire to connect with what is bigger than us, magic happens.

Together with some dear friends, I am uncovering fire rituals and myths from various wisdom traditions and how they can support us today to live our lives. Uncovering the truths that fire rituals hold for us today, remembering the healing effects of gathering with intention. In all wisdom traditions, fire plays an instrumental role in guiding us humans into states of connection. Connection with what goes beyond us and at the same time what comes from deep inside us.

The SoulFire Ritual as we are remembering it finds its roots in Yoga and Vedic traditions such as Havan Puja: purifying fire rituals for everyday life. It also carries elements of Celtic traditions of bringing the light back into the earth, into the place we live in.

In a SoulFire Ritual, we consciously gather around the fire, are guided by a myth, and sing songs to clean up the air, the space that we live in. Clearing our mental energies of stuckness, creating clarity on what wants to emerge and celebrating it into being.

The seasonal change from Winter to Spring is a beautiful time to celebrate a SoulFire Ritual together in nature. Cleaning up what is stuck, creating space and movement for the emerging new energy, new insights, and new initiatives to take root and starting to sprout.

This winter, I have had to say goodbye to my father. His passing away is teaching me new things about belonging and the meaning of love. At his funeral, I could bid him farewell publicly with my words honouring his life. In the woods with my firestone and songs, I could bid him farewell in all rawness exposing the sharp edges of the love that I feel for him. And even though I am not sure yet what it all means, I am carrying it with me from Winter to Spring inviting in a new budding of this love. Fresh and tantalizing. Blowing soulfire into my myth.

What is it that wants to emerge from your Winter into Spring? What are your learnings? New Insights? What is inviting you to blow soulfire into your myth?

If this makes you curious, come experience an afternoon filled with gentle Tai chi and

Qi Gong movement to ground ourselves, some guided journalling followed by the Fire Ritual that we will create together.

There is a light that never goes out!


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