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The Power of Forgiveness

When Sophie from Embodied Empowerment asked me to write this blog post, I freaked a little because first English is not my mother tongue (I am French) so writing in English is not so easy for me (or maybe it’s just writing overall).

And also, mostly, because talking about myself and what I do is something I am working on improving. Showing myself and being visible… So thank you, Sophie, for this opportunity!

I am Florence from Grow&Flow. I will have the honour to be guiding you through the Holoenergetic® Forgiveness process during our Silent Retreat Day on December 6th, 2020.

Here I wanted to share what is the Holoenergetic® Healing Method, my personal first experience with it and how it shifted things for me.

HOLOENERGETIC® HEALING was created more than 20 years ago by Dr Leonard Laskow an obstetrician-gynaecologist who graduated from Stanford University in the United States. Dr Laskow has come to view illness as separation and healing as the restoration of our natural state of wholeness.

Our individualistic, highly rational society encourages the illusion of separation — the belief that our minds are somehow separate from our bodies and that people are isolated from one another. It takes energy to maintain separation—energy that is often experienced as pain or illness.

He then coined the term Holoenergetic® Healing to describe a method that allows us to dispel the illusion of separateness and to heal using the awareness and energy of the whole.

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE — for self as well as others — is a crucial element of this method. Love is a profound tool for facilitating the body’s natural healing processes.

This method helps to raise your awareness and to release patterns and conditionings that limit you, sap your energy, and conceal your true nature.

Anchored in a pragmatic and rational scientific approach, Holoenergetic® Healing method also includes a spiritual dimension that allows us to approach the human being in its entirety. Based on Unconditional Love, his vision is based on a holistic approach to reality, where body & mind, form & essence are ONE.

The Holoenergetic® method helps you intuitively lift the veil on the conditionings, beliefs and judgments that hinder your Self-Realisation.

Freed from the emotional charges associated with past wounds, freed from the mental ruminations that monopolise your attention and drain your energy, you can finally experience Peace, Joy, Freedom, Unity and Unconditional Love.

This deep liberation can support personal transformation & spiritual awakening, and also promote the self-healing process of the physical body.

I encountered this method a few years back in 2016 after seeing a channelling therapist who told me about Dr Laskow and his method.

I went back home and started googling him. I found a workshop next to my mother’s home in France to be held a month later. I registered right away.

Katy, the channel had also told me that I am a « healer ».

Side note: At the time I believed that some people have gifts to heal others. Now I don’t say I heal people, I help them get in resonance with their own self-healing abilities. I am a Healing Facilitator.

So here I am at this workshop with my ego full-on, thinking I am going to learn a technique to heal people.

After 3 days of immersion in Love energy, my heart was fully opened and my ego-less present. I went through the FORGIVENESS PROCESS on the 3rd day and it changed my life! It changed me physically. I could feel a difference in my body and it took me a week to adjust to it.

That day I forgave my dad. I had so much anger and resentment towards him built up for all these years that I couldn’t even feel it. It was a part of me. This process literally set me free. I experienced deep Peace and Freedom and it changed my frequency forever.

Forgiving is a gift you do to yourself. It cuts the energetic cords that link you to a person or event and drains your energy. getting this energy back is such an amazing feeling and you can use it for self-healing and personal inner growth.

If you would like to know more about what I do and work with me, you can visit my website

Come and experience the power of the process of Forgiveness at the Silent Retreat Day

Let the Universe do the Talking on December 6th, 2020

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